RiverLife Fellowship

We’re a church in North Carolina with a vision for people to experience the grace of Jesus, be filled with the Father’s love, and release the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Sunday Aug 25, 2024

It's really great when we receive the desires of our hearts. But what happens when we don't? Here we examine some Biblical takeaways on the things we want and how God works in the midst of our prayers for these things.
Join us in Wilmington as guest speaker Cory Meade shares a message on trusting in God's best for our lives.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 25, 2024

When you read the Bible, there is potential for this living book to transform your heart, mind, and perspective. One of the surest ways He does this is through His revealed, written Words in the Scripture. However, you need to understand that the Old Testament is written as "types and shadows," all pointing to a coming Messiah: Jesus. 
Join us in Chapel Hill as Pastor Matthew Bollinger continues his series on our firm foundation with a message aimed at solidifying our spiritual foundation in Christ.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 25, 2024

At Mount Carmel, Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and challenged the people, setting the stage for a national revival. It is one of the most epic stories in the Bible. Before the fire fell, Elijah repaired the altar of the Lord. Today, we have an altar. Our altar represents our devotion—our love for God and His love for us. It means our life is laid out as a sacrifice, saying, "Lord, I fully belong to You."
Join us in Mooresville as Senior Pastor Byron Wicker continues his walk through the life of Elijah for ways to navigate the days we live in.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 18, 2024

Romans 13:11-14 and Matthew 5:14-16 emphasize the call to live honorably and let our good deeds shine as a testament to our faith. We also see through Jesus' example, how Christ brought light to those in darkness through healing, prophecy, and loving the outcast. We can use those examples to be proactive in our approach to living out our faith, and to engage the Holy Spirit to bring light into the dark world around us.
Join us in Wilmington as Pastor Mary Meade shares some recent testimonies and Pastor Ryan Meade encourages us to reflect, pray, and seek God's guidance on how to shine His light into our world.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 18, 2024

We are all in the process as followers of Jesus of a metamorphosis of sorts. However, at some point we have to get out of the cocoon. If you ever want to fly and find the freedom to soar with Jesus in the Spirit, have courage to "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ" and fly!
Join us in Chapel Hill as Senior Pastor Matthew Bollinger continues his look at our Firm Foundation in Christ with an encouragement to take courage.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 18, 2024

We all have a voice to use. Even if you feel like you don't have a specific outlet for your voice, you have been equipped and empowered to use yours in a variety of different contexts.
Join us in Mooresville as guest speaker Cory Meade shares some Biblical examples of how to (and how not to) use your voice.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 11, 2024

Beginning with Genesis 1, God establishes light's ability to overcome darkness as He declares, "Let there be light." Jumping to John 1, we see that Jesus is the true light of the world, and we are called in Matthew 5 for be a light ourselves, shining in a world filled with darkness. Despite the presence of darkness, light will always prevail. As Romans 13:12 reminds us, let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and embrace the armor of light, knowing that light will always win.
Join us in Wilmington as Senior Pastor Ryan Meade encourages us to bring our personal struggles into the light and be a beacon in out communities, for even the smallest light dispels darkness.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 11, 2024

The Father is serious about a "sound mind" and we need to take it seriously in love & grace. This message is being emphasized across the Body of Christ in the U.S. right now to remind us and prepare us. Remember these lyrics from the old hymn: "On Christ in the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand..." How is your foundation? Is it built well? Remember, you cannot build your Christian life on anything else but Christ.
Join us in Chapel Hill as Senior Pastor Matthew Bollinger returns from sabbatical with an encouragement to root your life in Christ.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 11, 2024

Why is Elijah important for us today? Elijah lived in a time of significant spiritual and societal upheaval, much like our own, marked by widespread idolatry, moral decline, corrupt leadership, and a divided nation. Just as God had an answer in Elijah's time, He has one for today. Elijah's life is a pattern for how God prepares us for the "Elijah Anointing" that the Holy Spirit will bring in the last days.
Join us in Mooresville as Senior Pastor Byron Wicker continues his thought from last week with this timely message.
For more information, visit riverlifefellowship.com
To contact us: media@riverlifefellowship.com

Sunday Aug 04, 2024

Hebrews 12:1-11 establishes that divine discipline plays a vital role in our spiritual growth. We see God's corrections as signs of His live and commitment to our development as His loved children. Looking at the word "discipline" in the Greek, we also gain insight into practical steps for training for the race of life, drawing parallels to the training of athletes.
Join us in Wilmington as Senior Pastor Ryan Meade offers encouragement to persevere through discipline and training to set our eyes firmly on Jesus and gain fresh perspective on running your race with endurance that comes from faith.


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